


Lodging official complaints to the City.
Last updated on: 25 March 2024

Formal complaints

Please note, these are official complaints as per our Customer Service Charter. If you would like to request a service (e.g. removal of a fallen branch) please select a topic from this list that best matches your request. For example, for the removal of a fallen branch you would select Parks, Reserves and Natural Areas. Alternatively, please use the search bar to search for the service you require.

Operations and service

Complaints about the City's operations and service/s can include:
  • complaints about service
  • complaints about process
  • complaints about fees
  • all other complaints.

Staff member (including the CEO)

  • The City will investigate formal complaints about employees.
  • Please provide the name of the employee to assist with the investigation.

Council members, committee members and candidates

  • Suspected criminal activity - please report it directly to WA Police.
  • Suspected serious misconduct (Corruption Crime and Misconduct Act 2003) - please report it directly to WA Corruption and Crime Commission.
  • Suspected serious breaches (Local Government Act 1995) - please report it directly to WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
  • Breaches of the City's Code of Conduct:
  • complaints must be submitted within one month after the occurrence of the alleged breach.
  • complaints about an alleged breach by a candidatecannot be dealt withunless the candidate has been elected.
  • submit your complaint to the City using the buttonbelow attached with a completed Code of Conduct Breach Form.
  • the City takes all reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality when dealing with a Complaint, in order to protect both the Complainant (person making the complaint) and Respondent (person the complaint is about). The Complainant should also take all reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality of the complaint.
  • Suspected minor breaches(Local Government Act 1995):
  • complaints must be made within six months after the alleged breach has occurred.
  • visit the minor breach system page on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website, for access to the Minor Breach Form and an explanation of the process.
  • parts 1 and 1A of the Minor Breach Form are to be completed by the person making the complaint.

Raise a request

  • To lodge a complaint, please select the correct option below.
  • You are required to provide your name and contact details for complaints about operations or service and employees to ensure a full investigation can be completed.
  • Your complaint will be assigned to the appropriate area for investigation.