Dangerous/unsafe buildings/structures
Dangerous/unsafe buildings/structures
Dangerous/unsafe buildings/structures
Reporting of dangerous or unsafe buildings/structures.
Last updated on: 08 August 2024
Urgent requests
- If a building or structure is in danger of collapse or damage, please report it to the City by calling 1300 4 CANNING (1300 422 664). You can call this number 24-hours a day for urgent / high priority assistance.
- This will allow an officer to respond with the highest priority.
What is a dangerous/unsafe building or structure?
- The building or structure condition must be at a level that poses a threat to life or a limb.
Issues with neighbours
- People are sometimes unaware that their activities are causing a problem.
- The City encourages all residents and business operators to talk to their neighbours about problems before making a complaint.
- For supporting information on resolving disputes with neighbours, please click here
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