General tree pruning request
General tree pruning request

General tree pruning request

General tree pruning request

Lodge a request to have a tree pruned
Last updated on: 10 June 2024

Tree pruning requests

There are a number of reasons why you may need to have a street tree pruned. These include:
  • branches overhanging a property
  • branches overhanging the roadway
  • branches overhanging the footpath
  • sight line issues/can't see past the tree
  • dropped branch - please refer to Branch Pickup Request.
Click here to report if branches or leaves are:
  • touching powerlines
  • growing through powerlines.
Please note: Pruning will not be undertaken to reduce garden shading, improve television reception or to provide or improve views.

Overhanging branches from private trees/shrubs

The City will respond to overhanging branches from private trees/shrubs if they are causing a hazard or obstruction when overhanging the verge, footpath or roadway. To lodge a request visit the Overhanging branches - private trees page.

Main Roads WA

Main Roads WA are responsible for the maintenance of trees along:
  • Roe Highway
  • Albany Highway
  • South Street
  • Orrong Road
  • Leach Highway.
If the request relates to trees on these roads, please contact Main Roads WA on 13 81 38 or

Tree reference numbers

  • All City maintained trees are identified by a tree asset number.
  • Please use our mapping tool to identify the tree related to your request (and please include the tree reference number in the notes section of your request).

Raise a request

  • To request pruning of a City street tree, please click on the button below.
  • An Officer will investigate within three (3) working days.