Reporting graffiti on City property.
Last updated on: 28 February 2024
Urgent requests
- If you see offensive graffiti (e.g. racially motivated, explicit or sexual content) on Council property, please contact the City on 1300 4 CANNING (1300 422 664) to report your request.
- This will allow an officer to respond with the highest priority.
Council property
The City responds to graffiti requests on Council property. This includes Council buildings and infrastructure (e.g. footpaths, City benches etc.).
What we don't do
The City will not remove graffiti from the following:
- private property (inside the boundary lines and public facing)
- Main Road assets (including signage with a yellow square pole)
- fences abutting Main Roads (Albany Hwy, Leach Hwy, South St, Bannister Rd, Roe Hwy, including off-ramps related to these roads)
- Water Corporation assets
- Western Power assets
- Australia Post assets
- Telstra assets
- Bus shelters (these are removed by Y-Stop).
Offensive graffiti - other entities assets
Should the graffiti contain racially motivated or sexual content on other entities assets, contact that entity to ensure a timely response. The City does not have approval to remove graffiti from these assets. Contact details for these locations are as follows:
- bus seats / shelters - refer to Y-Stop on 1300 236 242
- Western Power assets or on 13 13 51
- Telstra assets or on 13 22 03
- Water Corporation or on 13 13 85
- Australia Post or on 13 76 78
- Main Roads WA or on 138 138. Please note: Main Roads WA are responsible for the walls on the corner of Roe Hwy, South St, Shelley Bridge, Leach Hwy and Albany Hwy.
Graffiti removal kits
The City offers FREE Graffiti Removal Wipes and Kits for all residents and local businesses. The kits can be used to remove graffiti from their premises or around the community. Contact 1300 422 664 to request a kit.
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