Pests from private property
Pests from private property

Pests from private property

Pests from private property

Reporting pests coming from private property.
Last updated on: 16 May 2024

What are pests?

Examples of common pest issues may include but are not limited to:
  • bed bugs
  • bees
  • cockroaches
  • European wasps
  • flies
  • mosquitoes
  • pigeons
  • rats/mice
  • termites.

Pests from private land

  • The City will investigate pests that are coming from a neighbouring private property.
  • This does not include pests that are coming from your own property. It is your responsibility to resolve this yourself.
  • When reporting the issue, please ensure you indicate where the pests are coming from to assist with the investigation.
  • Please note, if you require a beehive to be collected, please complete your own search for an apiarist to assist as the City is unable to remove beehives.

Rodents on private property

The City is stopping the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs). These poisons take a long time to work. Animals or pets that eat poisoned rodents can also get poisoned. To find out more, visit

Pests from public places

If the issue relates to pests in public places, please click here for more information.

Bees and wasps

  • Beehives on private property are the owner or resident's responsibility.
  • Residents can keep a beehive in a residential area, as long as they meet the set criteria as per the local laws - City of Canning Animal, Nuisance and Environment Local Law 2021 (3.3 and 3.4).
  • For information and advice on keeping bees, please contact the City on 1300 422 664.
  • It is important to remain vigilant about detecting declared pests, including the European wasp.
  • The European wasp looks similar to a common paper wasp, but is slightly smaller, has black (rather than yellow antennae) and builds underground nests.

Issues with neighbours

  • People are sometimes unaware that their activities are causing a problem.
  • The City encourages all residents and business operators to talk to their neighbours about any issues before making a complaint.
  • For supporting information on resolving disputes with neighbours, please click here

Anonymous requests

Your contact details are required when lodging this issue to ensure a proper investigation can be completed.

Raise a request

To report pests coming from private land, please proceed below:
  • Please select the type that matches your issue.
  • An officer will handle your request within five (5) working days. They will contact you to clarify the complaint, check for any safety risks for City staff, and explain the complaint process.
  • Your contact details are required when lodging this issue to ensure a proper investigation can be completed.