Repair or replace bins
Repair or replace bins

Repair or replace bins

Repair or replace bins

Request to repair or replace your bin.
Last updated on: 10 June 2024

Lost or stolen bins

  • If your bin is missing, sometimes it can be accidentally moved down the street.
  • The City recommends you check the immediate vicinity of your property prior to raising a request.

Repair or replace?

  • If a bin is damaged, then the City will assess whether it needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • Damage to wheels and lids can be fixed by replacing this item solely.
  • Damage to the body of the bin will most likely require a full replacement.
  • There is no charge to repair/replace a bin if the damage is due to vandalism or normal wear-and-tear.
  • Bins will only be replaced if the damage is beyond repair.

Dirty bins

  • Cleanliness of bins are the owner's responsibility.
  • The City will not replace a bin simply because it is dirty.

Anonymous requests

This type of request cannot be anonymous.

Raise a request

  • To request a bin to be repaired or replaced, please click on the button below.
  • Please leave your bin in an accessible and visible location and not behind a gate or on the verge (for commercial locations, please provide a clear description of your location).
  • The bin will need to be light enough to be manually lifted.
  • Repairs/replacements can take up to four (4) business days for urgent repairs (e.g. bin is unable to be used) and up to two (2) weeks for minor repairs.