Request a refund
Request a refund
Request a refund
How to request a refund from the City.
Last updated on: 10 June 2024
Information about refunds
- If you have made a payment to the City and require a refund, you will need to lodge a request (please click on the button at the bottom of this page).
- A request is required whether you are at fault or not.
- This request is the most efficient method available and ensures security of your personal information.
- Refund requests cannot be made over the phone as documents need to be submitted with the request.
When is a refund required?
- an over payment has been made
- an application has not been accepted
- a service has not been provided
- there has been a change in registration/application details.
What information is required to request a refund?
Before you lodge your request for a refund, please ensure the following evidence is attached to your request:
- a copy of your payment receipt
- proof of your bank account details including:
- account holder
- BSB and account number
- evidence that the payment came from this account.
If you are requesting a partial refund due to the sterilisation of your dog, you will need to attach a copy of the sterilisation certificate to the request.
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